- 817-222-9848
- 817.834.4075
- Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 5:30
Investment Recovery Services (IRS) valuation and appraisal services are unique to the industry. During our 38 years of operation, IRS has conducted over 1,000 industrial auction, liquidation, and sealed bid sales. Our appraisal team has over 100 years of “real-world” sales experience in the industrial world which we put to work on every valuation project. We bring the power of experience and professionalism to every facet of delivering an accurate, comprehensive, and easily interpreted appraisal report.
IRS guarantees that your project will be handled, start to finish, by an experienced professional. We have no “junior” or “associate” appraisers…a fully accredited appraiser with decades of hands-on experience will handle your inquiry, work with you to determine the best value concept for your scenario, conduct inspections and research, and generate a peer-reviewed final valuation report.
Understanding the true value of a collection of assets takes more than a cursory look at inventory logs, asset lists, and depreciation schedules. One must understand the whole picture before arriving at value conclusions. Therefore, we put boots on the ground. Our appraisers conduct a thorough physical inspection of the assets where they are, carefully accessing the physical condition of the assets and their surrounding environment.
Our appraisers draw valuation conclusions from an extensive array of reliable market-based sources including our large in-house database of historical sales and valuations, a worldwide network of new and used machinery dealers, original equipment manufacturers, and our customers themselves. Additionally, IRS appraisers analyze the economic and competitive environment, including the industry in which our client operates, to access current and anticipated industry trends that may greatly affect our value conclusions.
Our appraisal staff traces its origin to the founding of the Association of Machinery and Equipment Appraisers (AMEA) in 1983. All of our appraisers are USPAP accredited, carry the Certified Machinery and Equipment Appraiser (CEA) designation, and perform dozens of hours of continuing education per year.
Knowledgeable, Professional, Accredited, and Experienced…these are the fundamentals you can rely upon in every IRS valuation project.
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